Noa Coach

The Hidden Dangers of Psychosocial Risks In the Workplace

Author: | 15.09.2023
overheard meeting

Most will be familiar with work hazards like falling debris, faulty machinery, fires, and the like. There is a rising mental health awareness movement and a recent cultural shift for more companies to now be mindful of a usually overlooked work hazard–psychosocial risk.


Addressing psychosocial risks within the workplace is not just a matter of corporate responsibility; it’s a fundamental step towards safeguarding employee wellbeing and fostering organizational success.


The workforce’s wellbeing directly correlates with productivity, engagement, and performance. Just as a well-maintained machine operates at its peak efficiency, a company with contented and healthy employees is positioned to achieve optimal outcomes.


The essence of this article lies in shedding light on the hidden dangers posed by psychosocial hazards in the workplace and how artificial intelligence solutions like the Noa Coach AI coaching app can help lessen the effects.

Understanding Psychosocial Hazards and Risks

stressed at work

Within the workplace context, psychosocial hazards encapsulate an array of intangible factors that can profoundly influence an employee’s mental and emotional state. While their effects may not be as immediately evident as a potential slip or fall, their impact is far-reaching and extends well into the long term.


Beyond the visible physical risks, these intangible factors wield significant influence on employees’ psychological and emotional health. The repercussions cascade to various aspects, including overall wellbeing, productivity levels, and staff turnover rates.


Among the most common situations that lead to psychosocial risks are:


  • Excessive workload
  • Poor job design
  • Inadequate communication
  • Work-related stress
  • Poor physical health
  • Traumatic events and experiences
  • Lack of support and communication
  • Sexual harassment


Recognizing the interconnectedness of psychosocial hazards with employee wellbeing, productivity, and organizational stability underscores the necessity for a comprehensive approach to workplace safety.


Just as meticulous strategies are devised to mitigate physical risks, organizations must formulate proactive measures to identify, address, and reduce psychosocial hazards. This entails fostering open communication channels, promoting a culture of psychological wellbeing, and implementing mechanisms for timely intervention.

The Hidden Risks to Employee Wellbeing

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Psychosocial risks take a bit more time to notice. Unlike a sudden physical injury that can be immediately recognized, the consequences of psychosocial hazards may gradually accumulate over time, eventually manifesting as mental health issues, reduced productivity, and increased absenteeism. This delayed onset often makes these risks harder to pinpoint and address.


There’s also the fact that there is still an ongoing stigma on mental health-related issues that discourages people from bringing it up. The workplace culture, whether inadvertently or intentionally, might prevent employees from offering feedback or seeking support, thereby allowing underlying psychosocial hazards to fester and proliferate.


A paradigm shift is essential to bring these intangible yet impactful hazards to the forefront of workplace conversations. This shift entails fostering an environment that accepts and actively encourages open dialogue about mental health and related concerns. In addition, organizations must create avenues for employees to voice their thoughts and experiences without fear of reprisal.

Connection Between Psychosocial Risks and Productivity

bored at work

Customers may be the lifeblood of a business, but the employees are the heart that ensures the constant presence of customers. When they slow down, so does the company’s and customers’ flow.


Companies must look at the effect of psychosocial stressors on productivity not as a simple cause and effect but as a negative feedback loop. Psychosocial risks negatively affect productivity, contributing further to more psychosocial risks.


Consider an unaddressed water leak on a building’s roof to cite a situation. It’s easy to ignore it during sunny days, but it’s a different story during rainy days. A container over the leak is a temporary solution, and you’ll still be looking over your shoulder, ensuring that the container isn’t complete and that there aren’t any leaks that might damage any document. As minor as it may seem, this constant surveillance affects your productivity, what with the added task.



Despite the evidence, your superiors still refuse to do something about the leak, deciding that the container will do. Then, a leak develops overnight and destroys some important documents.

In addition to your current tasks and watching over the leaks, you need to redo the destroyed documents. This results in overwork, causing more psychosocial stress and affecting your physical health. Then, the negative cycle goes on all over again.

Staff Turnover: A Consequence of Ignoring Psychosocial Risks


As human beings, individuals yearn for a sense of connection, appreciation, and respect within their professional surroundings. A domino effect is set in motion when these elements are absent or eroded due to negative psychosocial risk factors. Reduced job satisfaction, declining morale, and heightened stress often result from such circumstances. This, in turn, leads to a cascade of consequences, with one of the most significant being the contemplation of leaving the organization.


According to a Gallup survey from 2021, low-engagement teams typically endure 18% to 43% higher turnover rates than engaged ones. In addition, replacing exiting employees’ costs about one-half to two times their annual salary.


The decision to leave a company is not typically hasty. Instead, it’s often the culmination of events and reflections. In the context of psychosocial factors, an employee’s assessment of their emotional and psychological wellbeing within the organization takes center stage. A work environment characterized by poor communication, lack of support, limited growth opportunities, and stifling relationships can lead to heightened feelings of dissatisfaction and alienation.


Here are some of the psychosocial risks that contribute to a high turnover rate:


High or Stressful Work Demand


There are limits to what an employee can do. Excessive workloads, monotonous tasks, and shift rotation can harm someone’s physical and mental wellbeing. Coupled with a non-supportive environment, the situation is bound to sap out any enthusiasm left for the job.


As these limits are continuously stretched, the inevitable outcome is a gradual decline in the employee’s engagement and interest. The once-vibrant enthusiasm wanes, paving the way for a subtle disconnection from the tasks. Such a scenario is an early sign that the individual’s professional willingness is at risk of depletion.


Over time, this diminishing enthusiasm prompts individuals to explore alternative opportunities and seek fresh experiences.


Low Recognition


Everyone wants to be appreciated and for their work to be recognized. When employees’ efforts are acknowledged and rewarded, their work satisfaction rises, and they exert more effort to improve.


On the flip side, disregarding the hard work invested by employees can have detrimental consequences. The absence of acknowledgement breeds discontentment, eroding the morale and motivation of the workforce. This sense of neglect undermines the potential for a thriving and engaged workforce.




Whether it’s a supervisor asserting dominance or a colleague subjecting you to harassment, bullying can dampen an individual’s enthusiasm for returning to the workplace. Such behaviors erode the sense of safety, trust, and mutual respect essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.


Unsuitable Environment


To be able to work efficiently, you need a suitable work environment. Things such as substandard equipment, extreme temperature, and poor air quality have the potential to diminish one’s wellbeing gradually.


These environmental challenges, even minor, can significantly impede your daily tasks. From the need for frequent adjustments or equipment replacements to the potential negative impact on physical health, these nuisances can accumulate over time, ultimately hampering productivity and overall work satisfaction.


Lack of Role Clarity


You have a specific set of responsibilities to fulfil when you are hired. While these duties may not be rigidly defined, a continual fluctuation in responsibilities can detrimentally affect your focus and sense of stability.


Furthermore, a persistent pattern of shifting responsibilities can undermine your capacity to form a sense of accomplishment. The inability to see projects through to completion or to fully immerse yourself in a task can hinder the development of a strong work identity. This lack of continuity may also delay your professional growth and advancement, as expertise and mastery typically require a sustained focus on specific domains.


Several factors can negatively affect productivity and cause a high staff turnover. But there’s a way to mitigate these factors and lessen psychosocial hazards.

Introducing Noa Coach

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage, poking its fingers in several industry pies. One unexpected industry taking part in the AI rage is the coaching industry.


As AI demonstrates its capabilities across various domains, artificial intelligence coaching presents a novel dimension of opportunities and possibilities. The conventional image of a coach might conjure visions of face-to-face interactions, guided conversations, and personalized advice. Yet, integrating AI in coaching, specifically conversational AI, is not a replacement but an augmentation of these traditional methodologies.

Here is where Noa Coach comes to the rescue.


An AI coach like Noa is perfect for places where a human coach isn’t accessible or those who can’t afford a human coach’s services. It is also available to talk to any time you want, perfect for venting to someone.  Sometimes we just want to talk through our challenges without fear of judgment to gain clarity on what steps we want to take next. An AI coach is perfect for this.


There’s no need to set an appointment. All you need is your device and a stable internet connection, and then you’re good to go.


But how exactly can Noa Coach help with psychosocial hazards? Here’s how:


AI Advice


True to its name, it’s an AI that will advise you on anything.

When unsure how to approach a situation, such as confronting a coworker or higher-up, you can ask Noa to help you. Noa’s impartial and non-judgmental guidance can serve as a valuable compass, offering insights into effective communication strategies, conflict resolution techniques, and tactful ways to address concerns.


If it concerns your physical environment, Noa can’t do something directly, but it can bring a positive influence. It can list some tips to make your environment more amenable to your needs. Whether reorganizing your workspace for enhanced comfort or incorporating mindfulness practices to foster tranquility, Noa’s guidance can pave the way for a more harmonious and productive environment.


Moreover, Noa’s versatility extends to many topics, enabling you to seek advice on various subjects, from personal wellbeing to professional growth. This broad spectrum of assistance ensures that Noa becomes more than just an AI entity; it evolves into a reliable companion, consistently offering its perspective to empower your decision-making.




Too much stress affects overall health and performance. It’s not good to bottle it up or to let it out in an unhealthy and inconvenient way.


De-Stress is here to make your day when you find everything too much. Instead of allowing stress to simmer beneath the surface, De-Stress presents an opportunity to address it head-on in a healthy and controlled manner.

It is tailored to accommodate the demands of a dynamic lifestyle. It is a reliable resource that can be accessed whenever stress begins to surge. Whether in a high-pressure work environment or with personal challenges, De-Stress is a virtual haven waiting to guide you through releasing tension productively and beneficially.




Monotony in the workplace breeds boredom and stagnancy. To keep your mind sharp and active, you can try out the daily neuroscience researched activities found in the Challenges feature. The essence of Noa Challenges lies in its ability to infuse your routine with a burst of dynamic wellbeing habit changers.

A Paradigm-Shifting Stage

Recognizing psychosocial risks as a pivotal aspect of workplace wellbeing marks a transformative juncture in the evolution of organizational culture. This article serves as a beacon, illuminating the significance of acknowledging and addressing these intangible hazards. By acknowledging the influence of psychosocial factors and implementing strategies for their mitigation, companies can forge a path toward holistic employee wellbeing and unlock their full operational potential.


As the understanding of psychosocial risks matures, and societal attitudes continue to evolve, it’s high time for these issues to emerge from the shadows. The imperative to address psychosocial hazards collectively arises from their potential to significantly influence the overall wellbeing of employees, shape organizational dynamics, and impact productivity levels.


Download Noa Coach now and take the first step toward fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes wellbeing, growth, and success. Elevate your organization to new heights as you witness your employees flourish, inspired, and empowered by the guidance of Noa Coach.


By confronting these challenges head-on, businesses can create an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes mental health, minimizes risks, and sets the stage for enhanced employee engagement and organizational success. Contact us!

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