Noa Coach

How to Start A Self Care Routine That Sticks

Author: | 16.05.2023

If you’re a regular on the internet like more than a billion people worldwide, chances are you’ve encountered the term ‘self-care’ or ‘self care routine’. When you search through YouTube, you’ll see a gallery of people showing how they pamper themselves. Sometimes, self-care is also said in jest to refer to a particular action. 

Guess what? Self care is for everyone. It’s not just a fad. 


Self-care can be defined in several ways. The gist however always comes back to an act of intentionally pursuing acts of wellness that benefits the self holistically. Note that the keywords are “intentional” and “holistically”.

A single act, like eating healthy foods, isn’t enough to be called self-care. It’s not even enough that the act is “good for your body”. You’re not caring for yourself when you are miserable during the process, are you?

Unlock The Power Of Self-Care: How To Create An Engaging And Effective Routine

In today’s fast-paced world, self-care has become more crucial than ever. With a seemingly endless to-do list and constant demands on our time, we must step back and prioritize our well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of self-care and provide practical tips on creating a self-care routine that sticks. Plus, we’ll delve into the innovative world of AI coaching and how it can help you transform your self-care journey.

Why Is Self Care Important?

Your self care routines should help you in every sense. It’s a balance between healthy habit-setting and pampering yourself. It’s also a balance of acts that bring immediate joy and acts that bring joy once accomplished.

Practicing self-care makes us better equipped to handle life’s challenges, make healthier choices, and maintain strong relationships. By incorporating self-care habits into our daily lives, we set ourselves up for success and cultivate a positive mindset.


Let’s dive deep into the importance of self care and the steps on how to create a self care routine for yourself.

Creating Your Self-Care Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Identifying Your Self-Care Needs

Part of the challenge of creating a self care routine checklist is not knowing where to start. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. The routine varies from person to person. What one may find relaxing cannot be said for another.


The first step in creating a personalized self-care routine is identifying your unique needs and goals. Consider what areas of your life need the most attention and what activities bring you joy and relaxation. This will help you create a routine that serves your needs and promotes overall well-being. It can be a hobby like reading, a favorite color, a favorite dish–really, anything that sparks joy as Marie Kondo says.


Next, ask yourself, “Why are you creating a self care routine?” Combine your answer with the first tip.


For instance, you want to widen your horizons. You can relate that goal to reading books, traveling, or socializing. If you wish to be physically healthier, you’ll go with something like changing your diet, doing some kind of physical exercise, or simply drinking more water daily.

Setting realistic and achievable goals is essential when creating your self-care routine. Starting small and building upon your successes will help you maintain momentum and prevent overwhelming feelings.


You never want to turn your self care routine into a chore. The more difficult it is for you, the less you’ll be able to maintain it. 


If you’re not used to eating vegetables, try adding them first as a side to your usual dishes. Gradually add the serving as you learn more recipes and start enjoying the taste of the vegetables.

3. Creating A Personalized Self-Care Routine

Make your routine simple. You don’t need to imitate that 20-step routine that your favorite influencer does. Choose activities that can be easily integrated into your lifestyle.

If you have 20 minutes of free time in the morning before you go to work, why not use the time for light stretching or yoga? When you wash up before bed, how about using a facial cleanser too?

Your self-care routine should be tailored to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Consider the various types of self-care – emotional, physical, mental, social, spiritual, and professional – and incorporate activities from each category that resonate with you.

Use this guide to help you determine your needed activities and give you some self care routine ideas.


  • Emotional Self-Care


You do these actions when you are having difficulty processing your emotions. Emotional turmoil at its worst can spiral into other aspects of your life like social and financial. Self care practices can be an outlet for you to process and let out that buildup of emotion healthily.


Here are some examples of emotional self-care activities:


  • Journaling 
  • Meditation
  • Therapy 


  • Physical Self-Care


This is the most common type of self care. This refers to the acts done to improve your physical well-being. Physical does not mean just your outward appearance, but it also pertains to your overall physical health.  


Here are some examples of physical self-care activities:


  • Regularly exercising
  • Eating fruits and vegetables
  • Adopting a skincare routine


  • Mental Self-Care


This type of self-care focuses on stimulating your mind and maintaining mental health. When overwhelmed, the mind loses focus and thoughts become jumbled. Self-care gives you the space to decompress and reorganize your thoughts. 


Here are some examples of mental self-care activities:


  • Reading a book
  • Solving puzzles
  • Writing a story


  • Social Self-Care


“No man is an island,” as the age-old saying goes. You might not even be aware that there is such a thing as social self-care. Well, people have some kind of connection with others. Social self-care focuses on nurturing and strengthening that connection.


Besides spending time with other people, you can also use this time to reflect on your relationships. Have some “alone time” and recharge your social battery. According to a survey, four out of five people would pass on happy hours to spend time alone.


Here are some examples of social self-care activities:


  • Catching up with a friend
  • Going on a date with your significant other
  • Solo walks around your local park.
  • Setting boundaries on your time


  • Spiritual Self-Care


Whether you are religious or not, you still need some form of spiritual self-care. These activities are good for the soul (besides eating chicken soup). It’s about connecting with and nourishing your inner spirit, whether for your beliefs or just for yourself. 


Here are some examples of spiritual self-care activities:


  • Volunteering for a local charity
  • Going to a church or temple of your choice
  • Meditation 


  • Professional Self-Care


Work tends to be the number one stressor in our daily life. Meetings, deadlines, dealing with difficult people–stress can come from different places. Professional self-care is set on creating boundaries and ensuring a good work-life balance. 


Here are some examples of professional self-care activities:


  • Set an alarm for breaks
  • Scheduling and organizing your tasks
  • Chatting with coworkers over coffee

4. Staying Motivated And Consistent

When trying to build a routine, it’s expected that you’ll start having doubts about whether you should continue along the way.


Sometimes, it’s a matter of self-worth and whether you deserve to pamper yourself or not. This is commonly observed when someone is surrounded by bad news all the time. With all the bad things happening worldwide, you start questioning whether you should be doing these.


However, taking care of yourself amidst these crises is a form of practicing self care. It prevents you from staying stressed and brings you a sense of normalcy. 


During the pandemic, people have revisited their hobbies to cope with the stress and isolation. Some dedicated themselves to taking care of plants. Some learned how to cook. Some started writing a book–some even organized regular virtual meetings to keep in contact with their friends.


Another reason for not being able to maintain a daily self care routine is due to busyness. There might just be so many tasks battling for the time that you forget to allot some for yourself. This leads to more stress, then a high possibility of burnout and other diseases. At that point, you’ll need more than self care habits to recover.


One of the critical self-care strategies is to learn how to prioritize. Listing down a schedule can help you in the process. Identify which tasks need to be done first and allot the appropriate amount of time to do them. Add breaks in between these tasks. These breaks are not you being lazy, it’s a form of self-care that allows you to freshen up and recover. 


Your self care plan should be a set schedule in your calendar. Commit yourself to it. Set an alarm on your phone if you have to. Arrange your environment to make everything easier for you. Prepare your workout clothes by your bedside, set a glass of water on top of your nightstand, or keep your blender within reach for fruit smoothies.


Building a self-care routine is a process, and it’s normal to experience setbacks. Seek support from friends, family, or an AI coaching app to help you stay on track. Stay committed to your goals and remember that consistency is key.

5. Reassessing And Adjusting Your Routine

Your needs and wants change over time and that’s okay. A self care daily routine is not meant to be rigid. You can adjust over time as you improve and grow. You’ll miss some days, and that’s also fine. 


You might have started just with regular walks around the block every morning. But as your stamina builds, walking turns into light jogging around your local park. The act brings you physical benefits and you also get to bask in your local flora and fauna, meet new people, or just feel the wind on your face.


Money can also be a factor in your adjustment. Do things within your budget. You don’t have to follow popular trends if it will just cause grief to your expenses.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try several things and see what works for you. The important thing is that it makes you happy and healthy.

6. The Power Of AI Coaching For Self Care

While traditional self care coaching offers numerous benefits, artificial intelligence coaching apps like Noa Coach have revolutionized the self-care landscape. Let’s explore the advantages of incorporating AI coaching into your self-care journey:


  • Accessibility

Noa AI Coach is available whenever and wherever you need support, making it an incredibly convenient and accessible option.


  • Personalization

As you use the Noa Coach app, it learns about your needs and preferences, allowing it to provide personalized recommendations and guidance.


  • Progress Monitoring 

With Noa Coach, you can easily track your self-care progress, helping you stay motivated and accountable.


  • Judgment-free 


AI coaching provides unbiased, non-judgmental support, allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings openly.


  • Cost-effective 

AI apps like Noa Coach are often more affordable than traditional coaching, making self-care support accessible to everyone.

Incorporating Noa Coach into Your Self Care Routine

Noa Coach is a powerful platform integrating coaching techniques into your self care routine.


By now, you better understand the importance of self-care and the steps involved in creating a self care routine that works for you. You may have also considered incorporating Noa Coach into your self-care journey. But how exactly do you use AI coaching to optimize your routine and ensure it sticks? Let’s explore how AI coaching can enhance your self care experience and help you achieve your goals.


Identify Your Self Care Goals with AI Coaching


When creating your self care routine, it’s essential to identify your goals and objectives. AI apps like Noa Coach can help you pinpoint your priorities and find the appropriate activities to align with those goals. By answering a few questions in the AI Advice feature about your interests, lifestyle, and aspirations, Noa Coach can suggest personalized self-care activities tailored to your unique needs.


Track Your Progress With AI Coaching


Consistency is crucial when building a self care routine. AI coaching apps can help you monitor your progress and keep you accountable. Noa Coach, for instance, allows you to log your daily self care activities in your notes, providing valuable insights into your habits and patterns. By analyzing your progress over time, Noa Coach can offer suggestions for improvement and help you stay on track.


Stay Motivated With AI Coaching


Motivation is a critical factor in maintaining a successful self-care routine. AI apps like Noa Coach can provide daily encouragement, inspiration, and reminders to help you focus on your self care goals. The app can also help you celebrate your achievements and milestones, boosting your motivation and reinforcing your commitment to self-care.


Adapt and Evolve Your Self-Care Routine with AI Coaching


As your needs and circumstances change, so should your self care routine. AI coaching apps can help you reassess your goals and adjust your routine. By providing personalized recommendations based on your evolving needs, Noa Coach can ensure that your self care routine remains relevant and practical.


Access Expert Advice And Resources With AI Coaching


AI coaching apps often provide expert advice and resources like articles, videos, and podcasts to support your self care journey. By leveraging these resources, you can deepen your understanding of self care practices, explore new ideas and techniques, and learn from the experiences of others. Noa Coach has a Community of like-minded people who can also help share resources and motivation.


Connect With A Supportive Community Through AI Coaching


A supportive community can play a vital role in helping you maintain your self care routine. Many AI coaching apps, including Noa Coach, offer access to online communities where users can share their experiences, ask questions, and support one another. By connecting with like-minded individuals, you can gain valuable insights, inspiration, and encouragement.

A Great Addition To Your Routine

Having a self care routine is a must for taking care of our well-being. It’s more than doing what’s good for your body, but also doing something that makes you happy.


By incorporating AI coaching into your self-care routine, you can benefit from personalized guidance, support, and resources designed to help you create a self-care routine that sticks. The Noa Coach AI coaching app gives you the tools and insights to prioritize your well-being and achieve a healthier, more balanced life.


Whether you’re just starting your self-care journey or looking to enhance your existing routine, AI coaching can provide a powerful and engaging way to support your goals. Give Noa Coach a try and experience the transformative power of AI coaching for self-care.


Begin a journey of self-care. Contact us!

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