Noa Coach

7 Ways to Develop Soft Skills

Author: | 07.07.2022

The emergence of the hybrid working setting has forever altered the nature of work operations. Some employees no longer interact face to face, making it tough for them to adjust to each other’s personalities and collaborate effectively. 


As their leader, executive, or manager, what do you think is the best way to handle this?

With the introduction of the blended working environment, cultivating soft skills has become increasingly important for businesses to retain worker productivity even when other employees are working from home. More and more businesses are realizing that soft skills professional development goes a long way in assuring the long-term viability of their organizations.

What Are Soft Skills?

From strong communication skills to emotional intelligence, critical thinking, adaptability, as well as a variety of interpersonal abilities, soft skills refer to the traits and qualities of an individual that influence how they perform their tasks and engage with others.

Most employers keep a close watch on soft skills during the onboarding process. Unlike technical skills, soft skills are difficult to teach or instill in a specific individual. While technical abilities may be crucial, particularly in job-specific settings, employees’ exceptional soft skills drive their effectiveness, ensuring long-term success in their professional roles.

The following are a few soft skills to develop to help your staff become an effective part of your workplace:


  • Communication skills
  • Listening skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Adaptability
  • Leadership & management skills
  • Empathy
  • Emotional competence
  • Good conduct


Although it may appear challenging to impart soft skills, improving them is relatively straightforward, especially if you or any qualified candidate for a job position have prior knowledge in this area. Building soft skills is a worthwhile goal if you want to improve your overall performance in life and work.

If you feel that several of your staff still ask themselves, “How can I improve my soft skills?” then this blog is a worthwhile read. With seven tried and true tips, we will teach you how to improve your soft skills at work.

7 Tips to Improve Soft Skills

Despite having employees with years of commendable work experience, eventually, you will be confronted with situations in which exceptional mastery of hard skills is insufficient. To help your team achieve success in their respective field of expertise, you must constantly have room to develop their soft skills.

1. Know Which Skills Should be Prioritized

There are tons of soft talents to learn and practice, aside from those mentioned here. However, this does not imply that you must discover and hone them all simultaneously. 

People’s abilities differ from one another. Some people have different strengths and limitations, and some people may have an innate command over specific skills that others do not. It is critical to understand which abilities should be prioritized from the get-go.

Take a moment to assess and consider which abilities each of your team members excel in and which you strongly feel they lack. Discover which talents can help them become more effective in their business roles.

2. Encourage Staff to Go Beyond Their Comfort Zone

Admit it or not, employees are more likely to show off their interpersonal skills when they are among individuals that they care about. It is a development that comes naturally.

When staff are left stuck in their comfort zone, they may become more hesitant to take risks and feel uneasy about expressing themselves and exhibiting their capabilities more openly.

Do you find that your team is constantly challenged to connect with their peers or colleagues? Are they introverted? If so, then it is best to create activities where you can assist your staff in acknowledging and confronting specific factors that make them feel suffocated. Initiatives meant to challenge your team in a positive trajectory are a good step towards overcoming obstacles that hinder their ability to hone their interpersonal skills and promote self-discovery.

3. Be an Attentive Listener

Listening skills are a soft talent that aids in breaking barriers within a professional setting. Everyone knows how to listen. However, not everyone knows that the core purpose of listening is to understand. Essentially, listening is more than just making small talk. It is meant to help you understand everyone and everything around you. Furthermore, being an attentive listener allows you and your staff to communicate your feelings without offending others, giving you a significant advantage in knowing how to adjust to different situations.

4. Encourage Constructive Criticism

Improving soft skills takes a massive amount of time before an average person can claim to have mastered a specific skill. It is critical to establish an environment where constructive feedback is urged, whether it involves employee performance, their work conduct, or even their progress in developing soft and hard skills. It should also be a two-way street. Executives or managers and their teams should openly exchange honest and helpful suggestions and criticism to build each other up.


If you’ve been working hard to improve your leadership abilities, it’s a good idea to ask your subordinates or teammates how you’re doing. Are there noticeable differences? Are you leaving a favorable impression on your teammates?

Receiving positive responses is unquestionably excellent news, but don’t shy away from negative ones. Recognizing and accepting one’s flaws is the first step to improving and overcoming them. With the keyword being ‘constructive’, instilling the importance of constructive critique among your team effectively gives a deeper insight into specific blind spots that you or your staff may have overlooked in the first place.

5. Be a Team Player

Another pro-tip in developing soft skills is to highlight teamwork in the workplace. Being a team player shows how well each employee can collaborate with everyone around you. Measure their motivation and willingness to participate and provide individual input in various projects. These projects may be within or a little outside the scope of their specialization. Doing so enables you and your staff to flex your respective skills and impart your knowledge and allows you to express your standpoint more confidently to other people. Highlighting teamwork in an extensive environment paves the way for more learning opportunities to enhance your interpersonal skills.

6. Work Through Workplace Frictions

While confrontations in the workplace are uncommon, it is nevertheless necessary to be mentally prepared to deal with them in case it takes place. When such situations develop, the last thing you want is to resort to violence just to address them. Remember that one problem cannot fix another.

Keeping a level head in the face of professional disputes and disagreements contributes significantly to fostering a collaborative and happy working atmosphere and demonstrating your team-player and leadership capabilities.

7. Be Observant

Aside from listening, becoming aware of your surroundings is one of the most efficient ways to enhance your soft skills. Carefully observing the environment and interaction within your professional space is imperative, especially if the work demands are high and the atmosphere is consistently competitive.

People have distinct talents and weaknesses, regardless of how similar their job roles may be. Take a moment to examine how your staff work during busy hours and how they overcome hurdles within the department. Observe their attitude towards work and the way they collaborate with their colleagues.

Consider how they communicate with people. Communication is an integral ingredient for any project or team to work on. You begin to pick up specific cues, mannerisms, and patterns that allow you to unveil the real person behind each of your employees. These cues prove helpful in determining the best approach when interacting with them.

Improve Soft Skills with Noa

Developing and improving soft skills demands time and consistency. Not everyone is gifted with the ability to excel in everything, but recognizing where each of your staff falls short can significantly support them in enhancing their interpersonal skills.

By following the tips in this blog, you are ready to take the necessary steps in boosting employee motivation while also setting clear expectations on how they can become more valuable members of your organization. Similarly, if you want to make matters more straightforward and convenient for you and your team, using an intelligent coaching app like Noa also comes in handy.

Empathetic, supportive, and intuitive, Noa is your go-to coaching app to help enhance your soft skills. Noa believes that through utilizing exceptional support tools, employees become more conscious of how to be incredible team members. In a fast-paced and high-demand market, workers must be able to adjust as rapidly as possible. They must have emotional and psychological stability, interpersonal harmony, strong self-awareness and adaptability to attain it.

Thanks to intelligent brain science, Noa users can take advantage of all of its features to improve their interpersonal skills at every step of the process.

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