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Conversational AI for Education: The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Author: | 24.11.2022

With modern technology, the advancement of artificial intelligence is inevitable. Contrary to how it is portrayed in the media, this does not imply that AI will supplant or replace humans. Rather, to offer support and contribute to creating a secure environment inside and outside the workplace. The potential application of AI is expanding as it becomes more sophisticated.


While our current technology still doesn’t have the capacity to design an AI companion like what we see in films, the capabilities available are already doing a tremendous job of making our lives easier and more efficient. From manufacturing products to calculations and customer support, AI has proven itself as a valuable component that boosts productivity while keeping human workers safe and healthy.

But what about in education? Yes, educators and the majority of students know what AI is and even use the ones available for popular consumption, but that does not include education as a whole. So, what is the role of artificial intelligence in education?

AI in Education: How Does It Fit?

Education is a significant part of society. Whether the education received is formal or informal, it has a substantial role in shaping the people that make up our society and keeping it running.


The educational system has evolved and changed in response to research, observations, and available resources. It is a right, not a privilege. Therefore, everyone should have access to it, regardless of age, status, nationality, or any other type of difference. 


One way to boost education’s attainability is by introducing online education. Though online classes were already prominent before the pandemic, they’re most commonly used for higher education and alternative learning systems.


However, due to the pandemic and subsequent quarantine, the education sector was compelled to quickly adapt once the requirement to restart school was enacted. They needed to put in place a system that is relevant to numerous or all levels of education.


New solutions were created, and existing solutions had to be updated. The additional application of artificial intelligence to address issues like resource limitations, equipment, and human resources is one of these solutions.


The global online education market has expanded by 200% since 2020, thanks to the increased reliance on e-learning. 


As people adjust to the new normal and return to in-person learning, this hybrid learning system becomes more widespread as they realize its limitations and advantages. AI capabilities are integrated into many digital educational tools, significantly benefiting teachers and students. 


One of the ways AI has been employed is through conversational AI. But what exactly is conversational AI, and how does it help in an educational setting?

Utilizing Conversational AI in Education

Communication is a big part of education—between the teachers and the students and between the students with each other. In a face-to-face setting, these communications are more spontaneous, as are the chances for collaboration. Discussions in e-learning are aided by video calls, chats, and other collaboration tools. More recently, conversational AI has also been added as another potential solution.


Conversational AI is one of the outcomes of the ongoing investigation into the potential of artificial intelligence. A collaboration between machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) is at the helm.


Machine learning is a subset of AI that, as the name implies, trains the machine to learn from and remember its “experiences.” Natural Language Processing, meanwhile, is for recognizing and understanding varying types of input as well as determining the intent.


These capabilities allow it to power specific communication channels, most prominently AI chatbots. Powered by AI, the chatbot can understand and respond to humans, akin to a human-to-human conversation.

So, what are the benefits of using AI chatbots for education? Here are five main reasons.

5 Benefits of Using AI Chatbots in Education

Remote Accessibility

As established earlier, online learning does not let distance or even language hinder the opportunity for education. As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can attend classes no matter where you are.


Chatbots for educational institutions add to that by opening up the opportunity for 24/7 remote accessibility. That way, location and time differences won’t be much of an obstacle. 


These time differences apply to people who live in different time zones and people with a set schedule. That means educators and working students (young or adult) can work on a better schedule that won’t compromise their health or jobs.

Personalized Learning

It is difficult for teachers to accommodate each student’s needs individually. Even within dedicated learning groups and curriculums, little idiosyncrasies affect each student’s learning curve.

Educational material tailored to the study preferences of students helps streamline the learning process as a whole. An AI chatbot for education takes the available student data and creates a learner profile that updates as the learner progresses. With this profile, AI can deliver personalized educational content.

Accessibility for Students with Special Needs

An effect of personalized chatbot education is the increased accessibility for students with special needs. Not only do they not have to go to the educational institution physically, but they also have more options and tools for communication and learning.


These students can then progress at their own pace without worrying about keeping up with others or facing judgment from others.

Task Automation and Assistance

Teachers can use chatbots to delegate easier and more repetitive tasks to focus on the ones requiring extra supervision. It eases the educators’ everyday tasks without sacrificing their lesson plans or curriculum requirements.

Increases Student Interaction

As AI chatbots don’t have to divide their attention among the class and do not contain preconceived human notions, students are more likely to interact with them. Students can ask questions and get a quick response, even if the question has been asked before.


From these interactions, educators can gather more information about their students and potentially develop more tailored lesson plans and educational content for their students, which will simplify the teaching processes.

Educational Chatbot Examples of Use Cases

Even as a nascent technology, AI chatbots have shown versatility and helpfulness in a broad list of specializations. Here are some ways AI chatbots are applied within the education sector.

Virtual Tutoring

With chatbot e-learning, there is no need to worry about scheduling clashes and additional teacher loads. It’s also a cost-effective option for students who don’t have the budget to hire professional tutors.


As the chatbot contains prior information about the student and their curriculum, it can personalize its approach. The student’s progress is analyzed simultaneously, providing more insightful information. Thus, it helps tutors track how their students perform and know the factors that affect their way of learning.

Administrative Support

Instead of waiting in long lines owing to the sheer number of students and a shortage of employees, chatbots can help by addressing concerns about student admission and other administrative issues. These inquiries cover course prerequisites, associated fees, scholarships, updates, events, and directions.

Student Support and Assistance

Just as AI chatbots can be used in customer support, they can be adapted to match the educational setting. The need for student support does not end on the administrative side; it extends after enrollment and into the classroom.


Through an optimized chatbot, things such as class requirements, schedules, homework, activities, and other frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be addressed and answered immediately. In addition, announcements are easier to disseminate through chatbots.

Virtual Teacher Assistant

This is not an overstatement, but a teacher’s responsibility is no joke. Even with the available tools, many things still need attention and supervision. 


Mundane tasks like taking class attendance, scoring, disseminating assignments, and other activities can take up much of their time. Using AI chatbots, on the other hand, allows them to take huge workloads off their plates and will enable them to focus on more critical tasks.

Surveying and Assessments

Feedback is necessary for improvement. AI chatbots cover the limitations of collecting feedback through the physical distribution of surveys and assessments. Data loss is extremely unlikely, and the results are immediately sorted and analyzed. It’s also a faster way to report something without going to the right office or finding the right personnel.

Wrapping Up

Despite online learning becoming more commonplace at varying education levels, face-to-face class interaction, empathy, and personal connection are still essential. But it’s not about which method is better, but how we can use the two side-by-side to create a more inclusive and accessible learning system. 


That said, conversational AI opens up options for educators and learners. It mainly pertains to time, location, and personalized attention. Chatbots also lighten a teacher’s load and are available to address student concerns when a teacher is not present.


With this focus on studies and educational responsibilities, mental health can fall by the wayside without notice. Education, as dramatic as it may sound, can be stressful for all parties involved. 


There are scenarios where you get overwhelmed by the number of tasks, become frustrated with the learning material, or simply feel lonely and isolated. Here, Noa can be your educational companion.


Noa is an online AI coach who can coach you through stressful situations with our research-backed solutions and provide valuable insights on dealing with similar situations in the future.


Noa Goals sets your sights straight to your goals and guides you into a better mentality for goal-setting using the C.L.E.A.R. model. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions, try Noa Reset, which uses brain science to help you reset your mind in a matter of minutes and let you start fresh.


Alternatively, you can simply chat and discuss any topic with Noa. It learns as it goes, tailoring itself to a version that will fit you best and deliver the best response. It is a curious and transformative exploration that is safe and confidential, as Noa does not automatically save your sessions.

Tailor a helpful companion for your educational journey. Let’s chat!

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